AIM Phonics & Enrichment Programmes

Enrichment Programmes

AIM Enrichment Programme is a subject based set of curriculum that focuses on progressive skills and concept-based learning. It equips children with literacy tools in correlation to preschool years, building a strong foundation for future academic success

AIM Phonics Programme

Addcel Edu’s approach in its customised curriculum, guides students to apply principles in a simplified manner before placing them back into context. Therefore, students are introduced to a very simplistic phoneme skill – individual sound to simple words and into reading technique. 

This reading technique has been well proven to achieve high successful rate for pre-schoolers to read with confidence. Listed with the collaborated companies in Singapore, that sets Addcel Edu apart from other options.

  • Phonics rules to apply on blending and decoding that structure the child to speak and read with confidence.
  • Reading skills to access words of knowledge and not through memorising.
  • Group and individual reading sessions that enhance pronunciations, intonation and fluent reading.
  • To apply phonetic rules to spell words accordingly.

AIM Mathematics Programme

AddCel Edu incorporates technology in Montessori Mathematics approach using AIM colour-coded techniques which support children learning of numeracy concepts effectively. It helps the children develop their academic competence.

  • Customised curriculum with related resources to help children understand Addition and Subtraction values. 
  • Concrete representatives to develop relationship between arithmetic concepts in analysing problem-solving sums.
  • Build connections on numeracy and quantities on ones, tens, hundreds and thousands.

AIM Chinese Programme


  • 阅读兴趣:兴趣是学习最好的老师,孩子爱上阅读、享受阅读是阅读素养培养的前提和基础
  • 阅读习惯:孩子主动的、长期的坚持阅读,并固化为日常的行为习惯,是终身学习的基础
  • 阅读方法:孩子掌握一定的阅读方法和策略,提升阅读效率、加深阅读理解、丰富阅读体验
  • 阅读能力:孩子通过阅读活动的积累,提升对内容的理解、鉴赏、表达、以及迁移应用能力


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